Everyday Life

What Hasn’t Changed?

What amazing, strange, and unique times we are living in! But, isn’t that technically true of any election year in the U.S.? The last 3 elections saw the first person of color elected president, and the first woman to be nominated by one of our 2 major political parties. It even saw a non-politician, like him or not, rise to the elected office of President of the United States! So, election years alone bear their own uniqueness.

Now, add in COVID-19! Wow! That has brought more reason to cuss, discuss, disagree, and generally pit too many of us in the U.S. against one another on an almost daily basis. What a strange year, indeed!

No doubt many feel as I have at times. We move between feelings of fear, lostness, concern for family, concern for friends, and other similar thoughts. Many of us are experiencing our jobs in a different way than ever before. For all too many, one of the biggest issues is we’re not experiencing a job at all. Many other things we might normally look to do during hard times are not even options. For instance, you might feel moved to help someone or somewhere in your community, but the environment, and rules about how to live in it, often conflict with the normal ways we would seek to help. So, even doing the right thing can become harder to do than ever before.

Don’t you wonder, at least sometimes, where God must be in all of this? Hint: He’s right where He’s always been!

Don’t you wonder if He saw it coming? Hint: He did!

Don’t you wonder when this will end? Hint: He knows, even when we don’t!

Don’t you wonder how it will all turn out? Hint: So do I! 🙂

So, what can we know for sure? What can we count on for sure? What will this all mean for sure?

Well, for me, this all means just what we’ve said… it has been one. strange. year! Perhaps it is more important, at least during such uncertainty, to focus more on what all of this does NOT mean. As a person of faith, for me, the things these crazy times do not mean are the things that bring true peace at times like this. Here’s what I mean…

The book of Psalm tells us that God “laid the foundation of the earth, the heavens are the “work” of His hands (v25), and that “They will perish…” (v26). But, keep reading! It also says, “but You will endure,” and “You are the same,” (v27)1. So, one thing this all does NOT mean is that God has changed, because He never changes!

Another thing this all does NOT mean, is that what God thinks of me has changed. “Like what?” you might ask. Well, in the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul noted that we are “beloved children.” When Jesus taught us to pray, he said, “OUR Father,” which implies that God is our one true Father. Moreover, we are also referred to as joint heirs with Jesus (yes, really!) in the book of Romans when it talks of adoption, and if adoption, then children. If children, then heirs. (see Romans 8:14-17)

Another thing that has not changed is the end of the story. Now, I’m not about to take us into an entire discussion on end times theology. But, for a person of faith, the story of eternity will ALWAYS be greater than our story here on earth. The promise of eternity with Him, found through our faith in His Son, Jesus, will always provide a foundation of Hope, and Peace – even in the strangest and scariest of times. Other than the death of a loved one, which far too many of you may have experienced recently, what greater time to return to the roots of what you believe than now?

If that is somehow confusing to you, or you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, would you comment that you’d like to know more? Or, better yet, reach out to me by email, if you’d like. You can find out more about me, and how to reach me here.

What about you? What are you “hanging on to” so that you know that EVERYTHING is not so different in these crazy days?

  1. Psalm 102: 25 – 28, The Maxwell Leadership Bible, NKJV

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This is a new site representing the work and ministry of Robby and Jennifer Martin. Please be patient as we learn more about building out a website, and sharing content. God led us this far, and He will surely lead us through this time! We look forward to all that lies ahead!